General Information and Club Rules



(2023 – 2024 Version)


(A) General

1 Membership of another Indoor Bowling Club must be declared to the Falcon on the annual subscription form.

2 Rink Reservations may be made for casual play. The fee is payable when the booking is made and is not refundable.

3 League rink fees are payable on collection of the match card prior to play. A team failing to appear for a league game is liable for the full rink fee of both teams less any fee payable by the attending team for casual play in the time allocated for the game.

4 Falcon stickers must be used on all bowls.

5 No running on the green is permitted. If it persists after a warning the player may be asked to leave the green.

6 Trophies are to be kept on the club premises.

7 Club articles, By-laws and rules: copies are available in the office.

8 Headdress: White peak caps, white baseball caps, brim hats and sun visors in either white or cream may be worn.


Rule (B) Men’s Dress

1 (i) Leagues, Drives and Club Competitions.

Falcon club shirt, tailored white shirt or predominantly white polo shirt (without large emblems or logos) together with grey or black trousers, tailored shorts or Bowls England or EIBA shorts.

(ii) Roll-ups

As 1(i), but smart casual may be worn –no beach type shorts.

  1. Friendlies;

White tailored shirt with Falcon club tie OR Falcon Club shirt unless representing another club or association. Black, White or medium grey tailored trousers as stated on team sheet.

3 National and County Competitions: County League: Denny Cup / Plate: Top Club: London & Southern Counties Shield: Over 60’s County League: Egham Trophy: Or any other Representative match:-

Falcon Club shirt (2022 design) and black bowls or tailored trousers or shorts - WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

4 Footwear EIBA approved shoes. Sandals are used at wearers own risk. Buckled sandals or trainers are not permitted.

5 Away Matches

The dress code of the host club will be respected and observed at all times. Members must refer to team sheets or the County Handbook for competitive matches and ensure compliance.


Rule (C) Ladies Dress

  1. League, Drives and Club Competitions (except finals day)

Mid grey or black regulation bowls skirt, trousers, crops or shorts. Club shirt, white or regulation bowls top (no large emblems) with sleeves and collar. Club waistcoat or cardigan. Jeans, Leggings or T Shirts are not permitted.

  1. Roll-ups As 1. but smart casual, including jeans, leggings and T-shirts may be worn.
  2. County League, Over 60’s County League, Yetton, Vivienne, Mason & Egham Trophies, Top Club and other Representative Matches: Falcon club shirt (2022 design), black regulation bowls skirt, trousers, crops or shorts. Blue club waistcoat or cardigan.
  3. Friendlies

Falcon club shirt or plain white polo shirt (without large emblems or logos). Black or mid grey skirt, regulation bowls trousers, crops or shorts as stated on team sheet. Club waistcoat or cardigan.

  1. National, County Competitions

As per competition rules.

  1. Footwear

Regulation flat soled bowls shoes of any colour (includes white) Buckled sandals or trainers are NOT PERMITTED.


No players (men or women) are permitted to wear the shirt of another club unless representing that club whilst at the Falcon.





(D) League Registration & Match Day Teams

1 Teams: Must be registered before the start of the season.

2 Players can only register for one team in a league but may register for teams in a number of different leagues.

3 New players. Members joining a team during the season must be registered before they play and the league steward advised.

4 Transfers may be made between teams in different divisions of a league once in a season provided the transfer is before 31st December

5 (i) Ladies Monday league: The number of registered players in a team is determined by the League Steward.

(ii) Ladies Wednesday/Thursday league: Teams should consist of a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 9 registered players.

6 Tuesday 12.05 & Thursday 4.25 Open Triples leagues: Teams should consist of a minimum of 8 registered players. An even mix of ladies and men registered is encouraged but any combination of players may be used in matches. League Stewards to monitor excessive match day use of players of the same gender.

7 Men’s Afternoon, Evening & Sunday Morning Fours leagues: Teams should consist of a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 10 registered players.

8 Monday 4.25; Tuesday 4.25; Tuesday 6.30 and Friday 12.05 Open fours leagues: Teams should consist of a minimum of 8 registered players to include at least 2 ladies and 2 men. Any combination of players may be used in matches. League Stewards to monitor excessive match day use of players of the same gender.

9 Saturday Morning Open Pairs league: Teams should consist of a minimum of 4 registered players. Match day teams should be a mixed pair but any combination of players may be used in matches. League Stewards to monitor excessive match day use of players of the same gender

10 Thursday 12.05 4321 & Sunday Evening 4321 Open Fours leagues: Teams should consist of a minimum of 8 registered players. Any combination of players may be used in matches. League Stewards to monitor excessive match day use of players of the same gender


(E) League Playing Rules

1 Match Duration for all leagues – 16 ends or 2 hours except:

Men’s Sunday Morning. - 21 ends or 3 hours.

Tuesday Evening Mixed - 18 ends without time limit.

Men’s Evening Leagues – 16 ends without time limit. (Revised April 2022)

2 Stickers shall be BLUE for the Home team and WHITE for the Away team. Failure to comply will incur a 2 shot penalty.

  1. No Trial Ends are permitted.

4 Delivery of Jack. If the jack is delivered incorrectly it shall be placed by the opposing skip and the mat returned to the full length position. The jack must not be delivered after the bell has rung or within 5 minutes of the end of the session. The jack must be delivered from a properly placed mat and may be centred after the bell has rung.

5 Killed Jack

The jack will be re-spotted using the relevant spot either side of the 'T'. If the spot is already occupied by a bowl the jack will be re-spotted as close as possible on the inside (T side) of the relevant spot.

6 Visits to Head are not permitted. If a Skip revisits the head a 10 shot penalty will be incurred for each occurrence.

7 Skip Absence: If a skip has to leave the head the lead will replace the skip when the lead has completed bowling.

8 Postponements

  1. (i) All leagues. 3 or more members of a team are selected for a Club representative game the affected league game may be rearranged.

(ii) Subject to 8(i) no postponement of a league game is permitted if two registered players and a substitute (one registered player and a substitute in triples and pairs) are available to play. The prioragreement of the league steward (or in their absence the appropriate committee chair person or secretary) must be obtained for a game to be postponed. A postponement will be granted if the match clashes with a funeral or other specific event (e.g. outdoor club AGM) that many of the team wish to attend. The team responsible for the postponement shall not postpone the game again. If the Club is closed or a team is unable to arrive in time due to exceptional travel conditions the game shall be regarded as postponed by the Club.

9 Rearrangements: A postponed game shall be played on a date and time arranged by the Club.

10 Team Absence: A team failing to appear without the prior agreement of the league steward or not otherwise complying with rule 8 (iii) shall be deemed to have lost the match by 10 shots. An explanatory signed scorecard must be given to Reception by the attending team. Rule (A) 3 above applies to rink fees.

11 Abandoned Game. The score on the card at the time of abandonment will stand as the final result provided13 ends of a 16 end game; 15 ends of an 18 end game and 16 ends of a 21 end game are

complete otherwise the game shall be rearranged. Where a game is abandoned for no valid reason the defaulting team shall incur a minimum penalty of 2 points and 10 shots against or the shot difference on the scorecard at the time of abandonment if greater.

12 Promotion and Relegation will normally be 2 up and 2 down but only one team will be promoted and relegated to or from a division of less than 7 teams subject to the dictates of team numbers each year. Team contacts will be advised of any change before the start of the following season.

13 Rink Priority: National: L&SC: County: and County qualifying Club competitions have priority over league games on the choice of rink. All league games shall be played on rinks allocated by the Club.

14 Starting Play. A match may begin prior to the scheduled start time provided all players are present and the appointed rink is free.

15 Finishing Play. When a match finishes at the scoreboard end the players must leave the rink at that end and return via the walkways to ensure a prompt start for the following match.

16 Disputes must be resolved by the skips at the time of play. In the event of an unresolved dispute the scorecard must be suitably annotated for attention of the league steward.

17 Tuesday Evening Open & Sunday Morning Men’s Leagues Handicap:

An amount of shots equal to the difference between the two team numbers shall be awarded to the highest numbered team with the handicap recorded on the card prior to commencement of the game.

18 Ladies Wednesday/Thursday League Handicap:

The handicap system has been agreed as Top Team – 0 shots; Teams 2 and 3 – 1 shot; Teams 4 and 5 – 2 shots; Teams 6 and 7 – 3 shots; Team 8 – 4 shots.

19 Tuesday Evening matches shall start at 6.30pm or 7pm by mutual and Club agreement. Sunday Morning matches shall start at 9.30am


(F) Substitutes


General Presumption: only men can be used as a substitute in the Men’s League and ladies in the Ladies Leagues. Men and Ladies can both substitute in the Open Leagues


1(i) Only One substitute may be used by a team in a game

(ii) Substitutes may be used on multiple occasions – League Stewards to monitor excessive use of the same substitute

2 Own Team. A member must not substitute against a team for which they are registered.

3 Skip. A substitute must not play as skip.

4 Scorecard must be marked ‘sub’ against the name of the substitute.

5 Deliberate use of high calibre substitutes is discouraged – to be monitored by League Steward

6 Non compliance: A team in default of the substitution rules shall be deemed to have lost the match by 10 shots even if the match is won or drawn. Should the match be lost the result stands and 10 shots shall be added to the deficit on the scorecard.

7 Any dispute will be settled by the relevant committee and the decision will be final.

8 Substitutes may be used as follows

(i) Ladies Monday League.

Any lady player registered for the Monday league or someone on the reserve list. If there is no one available on the reserve list then any club member.

(ii) Ladies Wednesday/Thursday League.

Any lady Club member

(iii) Men’s Leagues with only one Division: any male club member


(iv) Men’s Leagues with more than one Division (Revised April 2022)

Division 1: any male club member

Division 2: any male club member other than those Registered in Division 1.

  1. 3: any male club member other than those Registered in Division 1 or Division 2.


(v) Open Leagues:

Any Club Member



(G) Games with one player missing

1(i) Triples leagues. A team with 2 players shall have 4 bowls each and the skip is to leave the head after the 8th bowl of the end. The opposing teams’ lead shall have 2 bowls and their other 2 players 3 bowls each and the skip is to leave the head after the 10th bowl of the end. The team with 2 players shall have their score reduced by one third (rounded up to the nearest whole number before the deduction is applied) and must be clearly indicated on the scorecard.

(ii) Triples leagues – player in transit. A team with a player missing but assumed to be in transit may request to play in accordance with G1(i). Play must start at the appointed time. On arrival the missing player may join the game after the completion of any end and shall be entitled to play in their originally declared position. Each player will then use three bowls and there shall be no further deduction from the score.

2(i) Fours leagues. A team with 3 players shall have 3 bowls for each of the lead and second player and 2 bowls for the skip. Both skips shall leave the head together after the 12th bowl of the end. The team with 3 players shall have their score reduced by 25% (rounded up to the nearest whole number before the deduction is applied) to be clearly indicated on the scorecard. A game so started must complete in the same manner.

(ii) Fours leagues – player in transit. A team with a player missing but assumed to be in transit may request to play with 3 players using 2 bowls each pending arrival of the delayed player. On arrival the missing player may join the game after the completion of any end and shall be entitled to play in their originally declared position. If the player does not arrive the team must continue with 3 players and 6 bowls. No deduction will be made from the score as a penalty is already incurred by using fewer bowls. Play must start at the appointed time.

The order of play is: LEAD, LEAD, SECOND, LEAD, LEAD, SECOND.

Threes and skips will play as normal.

(i.e. The missing player is deemed to be the second.)

(iii) Fours leagues – Continually having a player short: In the absence of an acceptable explanation the appropriate committee may increase the 25% deduction by a further 10% where a team has only three players on three or more occasions.

3 Player leaving a started game

If a player has to leave a game owing to illness or other reasonable cause their place shall be filled by a substitute who is not permitted to skip. Should a substitute not be available the game shall continue and rule G1(i) or G2(i) shall apply from the end no bowls are delivered by the player leaving the game.


(H) 4:3:2:1 Leagues


1 Match Duration: Thursday 12.05 League – 12 ends or 2 hours. Sunday Evening League: 16 ends without time limit.

2 Tied Measure, Teams to score 50% of the points available for each bowl position. As the scoreboard cannot show half points the scorecard is the definitive record.

3 Killed Jack. The jack will be re-spotted using the relevant spot either side of the 'T'. If the spot is already occupied by a bowl the jack will be re-spotted as close as possible on the inside (T side) of the relevant spot.

4 A team failing to appear. Rules (A) 3 and (E) 10 above apply except that 80 Points will be awarded to the opposing team.

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